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Mkd (Extracteur de documents)/Internationalisation des manuels/mkd-Manual (en)

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Make documents


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Manuel de référence en langue anglaise
Reference manual in english

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MKD(1)                                                                  MKD(1)

       mkd  -  make  documentation.   Extract coded informations from programs
       sources and product specific documentation.

       mkd [-ABCFPSafjlpstw] char_codes path_source [path_target]

       mkd    Selected comments (or all comments) are extracted from  programs
              sources and product specific documentation to target file. Usual
              target files are Organigrams, or Structure of programs, or  com‐
              ments  for  Programmers,  Warnings  and  Tests points .... Coded
              informations are respectively 'O', 'S', 'P', 'www', ant 'T' just
              after the comment character.

              All  ASCII.  The comment are extracted if the comment begin with
              this character. With two star mkd extract all comments.

              Path source file (or project file: option j ).

              Path target file. Default, path target is  idendical  to  source
              file with extension ´.doc´ .

       Uppercase options:
              restrict comments to one specific language:

       -A     extract Assembler style comments ( ; to end of line  )

       -B     Basic style                 ( REM or ' → end of line )

       -C     C++ style                   ( // → NL and  /*  →  */ )

       -F     Fortran style               ( c,C or * → end of line )

       -P     Pascal style                ( {  →  } and (*  →  *)  )

       -S     Shell or ratfor style       (   #    →   end of line )

       Lowercase options:

       -a     append to current target file.

       -f     find  source file language. (useful with project file). mkd rec‐
              ognizes the following files: .asm, .s; .bas, .vb, .bat; .C,  .H,
              .D,  .cc,  .hh,  .cp, .cs, c#, .c++, .h++, c--, h--, .cpp, .hpp,
              .css, .pr, .pl, .php, .jav, .jse .js; .for, .f; .pas,  .p;  .sh,
              .csh , .pl, .rb, .py, .pyw; .pj, .prj

       -j     used if source file is a project file.

       -l     lines  (extract lines delimited by CD1 or CD2 in first colomn or
              CD3 in line, and next New-Line. CD1,  CD2,  CD3  are  compilable
              options  in  version.h from mkd distribution). You can see these
              options compiled by the command mkd \?

       -n     numbering the lines (line number from source files)

       -p     page (extract text delimited by CD4 and CD5 -begin with CD4  and
              end with CD5-. CD4, CD5 are compilable options in version.h from
              mkd distribution). You can see these  options  compiled  by  the
              command mkd \?

       -s     add to screen. (verbose)

       -t     text (copy only the comment).

       -w     overwrite the current target file.

       with shell command:

       mkd -Ct F manual mkd.1 | gzip -f mkd.1.gz
              Product UNIX manual for french users.

       mkd -Ct M manual mkd.1 | gzip -f mkd.1.gz
              Product UNIX manual.

       mkd -Csl '*Sied' mkd3.c  '*.verif_struct'
              Product  documentation  with  structure  of  program,  includes,
              defines, ifdef else and endif compile options, to verify  struc‐
              ture of program.  (with compilable options CD1='#' or CD2='#' in
              version.h from mkd distribution).

       mkd -jfsl '*OHie' mkd_docu.prj
              Product organigram. Comment begin with *,O,H, and sources  files
              are listed in project file.  (with compilable options CD1='#' or
              CD2='#'). f: find language, j: source file  is  a  project  file
              containing the list of sources files.

       mkd -l '*ide' mkd3.c '*.id_ei'
              (with  compilable  options  CD1='#'  or  CD2='#', extract lines:
              #include, #define, #ifdef, #else, #endif, etc.)

       mkd -pj '**' mkd_docu.prj mkd.strings
              Extract strings from program. (messages are printed to  stdout).
              (sources  files are itemize in project file, and with compilable
              options CD4=CD5=´\"´).

       mkd (without argument)
              Cause any error and syntax are transmit to terminal with  carac‐
              ters compiled to use options l and p.


       1986 - mkd for DOS, and mkdoc for UNIX, are writen  in  ASCII format by
       Jean-Paul Louyot  for  the  Montpellier  Universidad  'CEM'  laboratory

       1991 - mkdoc 3.12 for PC and UNIX (Sun)

       1995  - 2004 - mkdoc 3.22 to mkdoc 4 for Unix and Linux: SUN-SPARC, HP-
       UX, RedHat

       2004 - mkdoc 4 for Linux Ubuntu, Windows 98, Windows 2000

       2007-2012 - mkdoc release 7.01 to mkd R12.01 are in format  ISO-8859-1.
       The name 'mkdoc' is  abandoned with the  release  10.01  compiled  with
       Visual C++ 2010

       2012 - mkd 12.03 is  adapted  to  UTF-8  format  for  translations  and
       internationalization. In the wake mkdcppw is writen to decode  computer
       C, c++ and php languages in graphical mode with 'gcc' and 'gtkmm'.


       man updated by Clara JIMENEZ, Cardabela, and JPL.

       Catalan : Alizée

       English : JPL, Cardabela

       German : Clara, JPL, Martine

       Italian : Luca

       Spanish : Alizée, JPT, Sharo

       Email :

       It belong to the programmers to close comments, blocks  and  lines,  by
       the appropriate closing codes in the source files.

       Warning:  The  closure  of a comment line is a carriage-return (NL, LF,
       CR/LF) as the case.

       At the end of the file: this note implies a carriage-return at the  end
       of the comment line. In this case you must have a blank line at the end
       of the source file.

       Do es not allow to read and decode the files included  by  #include  in
       the sources files.

       Bugs Report:

       Documents generator mkd

                                 May 11, 2013                           MKD(1)