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Mathc initiation/a488

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/* ---------------------------------- */
/* save as c00b.c                     */
/* ---------------------------------- */
#include "x_afile.h"
#include      "fb.h"
/* ---------------------------------- */
int main(void)
double i;

 printf(" The Root Test.                                 \n\n");
 printf(" Let S.a_n be positive-term series.             \n\n");
 printf(" lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n < 1      The series converge\n");
 printf(" lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n > 1, +oo The series diverge \n");
 printf(" lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n = 1      Use another test \n\n");

 printf("  a_n       : n-> %s      \n\n",  a_neq);
 printf(" (a_n)**1/n : n-> %s      \n\n", a_nneq);
 printf("  c_n       : n-> %s    \n\n\n",  c_neq);

 for(i=2; i<10; i++)
     printf(" c_%.0f = %5.3f || c_%.0f = %5.6f ||\n",
     i,     a_nn(i),
     i*10,  a_nn(i*10) );
 printf(" \n\n\n"   
        " lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n < 1      The series converge\n\n\n");

 return 0;
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------- */

Exemple de sortie écran :

 The Root Test.                                 

 Let S.a_n be positive-term series.             

 lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n < 1      The series converge
 lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n > 1, +oo The series diverge 
 lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n = 1      Use another test 

 Press return to continue.

Exemple de sortie écran :

  a_n       : n->  n/8**n      

 (a_n)**1/n : n-> (n/8**n)1/n      

  c_n       : n-> n**(1/n)/8    

 c_2 = 0.177 || c_20 = 0.145198 ||
 c_3 = 0.180 || c_30 = 0.140006 ||
 c_4 = 0.177 || c_40 = 0.137076 ||
 c_5 = 0.172 || c_50 = 0.135173 ||
 c_6 = 0.169 || c_60 = 0.133828 ||
 c_7 = 0.165 || c_70 = 0.132822 ||
 c_8 = 0.162 || c_80 = 0.132038 ||
 c_9 = 0.160 || c_90 = 0.131409 ||

 lim n->oo (a_n)**1/n < 1      The series converge

 Press return to continue.