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Mathc initiation/a322

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/* ---------------------------------- */
/* save as c00a2.c                    */
/* ---------------------------------- */
#include "x_hfile.h"
#include      "fa.h"
/* ---------------------------------- */
int main(void)
double Mx = lint2d_ds(yf, g,h, a,b,LOOP);
double My = lint2d_ds(xf, g,h, a,b,LOOP);

 printf(" If a thin wire has the shape of a plane curve C\n");
 printf(" and if the linear mass density at (x,y) is F(x,y),\n");
 printf(" find the moments  Mx and My with the respect to\n");
 printf(" the x- and y-axes, respectively.\n\n");

 printf(" With :\n\n");
 printf(" F x,y -> %s \n\n", feq);
 printf(" and C has the parametrization :\n\n\n");
 printf(" x = %s;     y = %s;     %.1f < t =< %.1f \n\n\n",
          geq, heq, a, b);


 printf(" Compute the moment Mx.\n\n");
 printf("         (\n");
 printf(" Mx = int( y  F(x,y) ds =  %+.3f\n",  Mx);
 printf("         (C\n\n\n");

 printf(" Compute the moment My.\n\n");
 printf("         (\n");
 printf(" My = int( x  F(x,y) ds =  %+.3f\n",  My);
 printf("         (C\n\n\n");

 return 0;
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------- */

Exemple de sortie écran :
 If a thin wire has the shape of a plane curve C
 and if the linear mass density at (x,y) is F(x,y),
 find the moments  Mx and My with the respect to
 the x- and y-axes, respectively.

 With :

 F x,y -> y 

 and C has the parametrization :

 x = cos(t);     y = sin(t);     0.0 < t =< 3.1 

 Press return to continue.

Exemple de sortie écran :
 Compute the moment Mx.

 Mx = int( y  F(x,y) ds =  +1.571

 Compute the moment My.

 My = int( x  F(x,y) ds =  -0.000

 Press return to continue.