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Auto-éditer un wikilivre/Annexer (Version internationalisée)/src/add

Un livre de Wikilivres.[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

This is the master command for personified source, copyright, license for images on wikibooks (sclipco) and include or content gettext for translations.
#! /bin/bash
#HF Fichier :
#HF Nom du fichier de commandes : add_sclipco
#HF Syntaxe : "add_sclippwb <nom du livre> [ --t ]"
#HF Exemple : "./add_sclipco LivreTest --t" à la console.
#HF La commande test est tests_add_sclipco.bash dans le répertoire des tests
#DF La commande ./add_sclipco <wikilivre> commence par créer la page
#DE the command ./add_sclipco <Wiki-book>[--t], first create the page 
#O . for translation
#O If first parameter is './add-sclipco' print the add_sclipco version 
    if [ "$0" = "./add-sclipco" ]; then echo "add-sclipco : Version "$VERSION; fi
#O Include the file
    if test -e ~/Add_appendix/bin/; then source ~/Add_appendix/bin/
    else echo $"$Bindir/ not found. Execute sbin/"; exit -1
#O Create variable Pagesclipco
    echo $Pagesclipco
#O Include
    source $Bindir/
#O Wikibooks sclipco personalized page initialization with the title 'Images sources, etc.
    cat $Projectdir/$1.scli > $Pagesclipco
#O Include the command corresponding to the origin of the book, depending on execution in test mode
#O If tests mode
    if [ "$2" = "--t" ]
#T pwd > pwd.txt; read Localdir < pwd.txt; rm pwd.txt; else Localdir=$Bindir; fi
      pwd > pwd.txt; read Localdir < pwd.txt; rm pwd.txt
      if [ "$Site" = "" ]; then source $Localdir/
      else source $Localdir/
#O Else is not local test command with --t option
      if [ "$Site" = "" ]; then source $Bindir/
      else source $Bindir/
# end file[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

#! /bin/bash
#H File : include in
    cd $Projectdir
    if [ "$2" = "--t" ]
      echo "Projectdir = $Projectdir"
      echo "en_sclipco version = $Version"
#O Variable $PageScliPwb definition
#O Create an identification loop of the directories corresponding to the articles
#O As long as we can read the lines of the file $Projectdir/$1.pj
    while read pjline
#O   If the line read is not $1 (name of the book)
#T    echo "line read : " $line
      if [ $pjline != $1 ]
#O     Then:
#O     Enter in the article directory,
        cd $Projectdir/$pjline
#O     Create image documentation files
#O     Open the stream of $ Projectdir/$1/$1.str of the image and select 
#O       the character strings containing: File:, Image; and put in files
#O       $Projectdir/$line/$line/.files, .pict, .illustration, .images, .links
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.str | grep -n -i -e Fichier: -e file: -e image: | sed -f $RepCom/$Conversions > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.str | grep -n -i -e fichier: -e .jpg -e .png -e .gif | sed -f $RepCom/$Conversions> $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.picts
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files | grep title |sed "s/<\/div>//g" | awk -F">" '{print $NF}' > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.illustrations
#T        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files | awk -F"=" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i "\n"}' | grep https | sed "s/\"/!/g" | cut -d '!' -f3 | grep https | tr '>' ! | sed "s/<\/a//g" |sed "s/!//g" > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.links
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files | awk -F"=" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i "\n"}' | grep https://$Site | sed "s/\"/!/g" | cut -d '!' -f2 > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.images
#O Transform the links of the image file on wikibooks into an image file on commons
    cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.images | sed "s/$Site/"| sed "s/Fichier/File/g" > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages
#O     Download the image files from the wikimedia server.
#P     Note: the -N option allows you to avoid downloading an up-to-date file,
#P      and without adding a numbering.
#T      #T wget -N -P $Projectdir/$pjline -i $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.images
        wget -P $Projectdir/$pjline -r -linf -k -p -E  -i $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages
#T     echo "*** Commonsimages ***"; cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages; exit 0
#O     Copy the downloaded images to the directory of the current article..
        cp $Projectdir/$pjline/*.html $Projectdir/$pjline/.           
#O     Initialize the commonshtml.list file with empty text.
        echo -n "" > commonshtml.doublons  
#O     List the image files in the order of printing or display,
#O       using the list $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commons.images
#O     As long as we can read lines in $Projectdir/$pjline/$pictline.images
        while read pictline
#O       Cut the lignes at carriage return, sélect the last field and add '.html'
          #echo $pictline | awk -F"/" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i+=2) print $i "\n"}' #| cut -d '%' -f1 | cut -d '.' -f1 > tmp
          echo $pictline | awk -F"/" '{ print $NF".html"}' >> commonshtml.doublons
#O       Cut the duplicated lines and select even fields.
          echo -n "" > commonshtml.list
          awk 'BEGIN { FILENAME }
                {memfile [NR] = $0 }
               END   { for ( i = 1 ; i <= NR ; i=i+2 ) {
                       print memfile[i] >> "commonshtml.list"
	                   # print "Fin"
                     } ' commonshtml.doublons
#O     End of while $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages
        done < $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages

#T     Afficher html.list
#T echo "*** commonshtml.list ***"; cat commonshtml.listexit 0
#O   Copy article name in file $1.sclipco
      echo "'''Article : $pjline'''<br \>" >> $Pagesclipco
      echo "'''Article : $pjline'''"

#P## Annexe version 'wikimedia commons' ##############################

#O     As long as there are (local) links in the commonshtml.list image file
        while read htmlline
#O       Afficher la ligne lue,
          echo ""
	      echo ""
          echo "$(gettext ' ---- line read = $htmlline --- ')"
          echo ""
#O   With mkd (sofware), select the character strings from the image file $htmlline
#O    and copy them to $ after replacing the character ',' with 
#O    'new-line'
	  mkd -pw '**' $htmlline $htmlline.tmp
	  cat $htmlline.tmp | tr ',' '\n' > $ 
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0     
#O     images, 
        echo -n "'''$(gettext ' Illustration : ')'''" > $
        cat $ | grep wgTitle | cut -d '"' -f4 >> $
	    cat $ >> $Pagesclipco 
	    cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0
#O     source, 
        echo -n ", ''$(gettext ' source : ')''" > $
	    echo -n $htmlline | sed "s/.html//g" | sed "s/.str//g" >> $
        if [ "$Site" = "" ]; then echo "?uselang=fr" >> $
        elif [ "$Site" = "" ]; then echo "?uselang=en" >> $
        else echo
        cat $ >> $Pagesclipco
        cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0
#O     license, 
        echo -n "$(gettext ' , ''license : ')'' " > $
	    cat $ | grep licensetpl_short | sed "s/<td>//g" | sed "s/<span class//g" | sed "s/<\/span>//g" | sed "s/style=\"display:none;\"//g" | tr '=' '\n' | grep licensetpl_short | awk -F">" '{print $NF}' >> $
        cat $ >> $Pagesclipco
	    cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0	   
#O     auteur(s). 
        echo -n '' > tmp
        echo -n "$(gettext ' , ''author(s) : '' ')" > $
	    cat $ | grep -i -n -m1 -A 1 -e Author -e Auteur | tr '/' '\n' | grep -i -e user -e utilisteur -e auteur -e author | cut -d '"' -f1 | grep -i -e user -e utilisteur -e auteur -e author > tmp
	    read Tmp < tmp
        echo "Tmp = $Tmp"
        if [ "$Tmp" = "" ]
          #T  then echo "tmp empty"
	      then echo "-" > tmp 
        #T echo $Tmp | cut -d '-' -f2 | sed "s/\.\ /%/g" | cut -d '%' -f1 
	    cat tmp >>  $
        cat $ >> $Pagesclipco
        cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0	 	   
#O   Finish the page $Pagesclipco
      echo "" >> $Pagesclipco

#O   End of as long as there are lines in commonshtml.list
      done < commonshtml.list

#O  End of 'if the line is not the name of book'.
#O End of while line in $1.pj
    done < $Projectdir/$1.pj

#O End of page $Pagesclipco 
    echo "</div>" >> $Pagesclipco
    echo "$(gettext ' {{Newpage}} ')" >> $Pagesclipco

exit 0
# End of[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

#! /bin/bash
#H File : include in
    cd $Projectdir
    if [ "$2" = "--t" ]
      echo "Projectdir = $Projectdir"
      echo "fr_sclipco version = $Version"
#O Définition de la variable $Pagesclipco
#O Créer une boucle d'identification des répertoires correspondants aux article
#O   du livre.
#O Tant que l'on peut lire les lignes du fichier $Projectdir/$1.pj
    while read pjline
#O   Si la ligne lue n'est pas $1 (nom du livre)
#T    echo "ligne lue : " $line
      if [ $pjline != $1 ]
#O     Alors:
#T echo "====="
#T echo ""
#T echo "ligne prise en compte : " $pjline
#O     Entrer dans le répertore de l'article,
        cd $Projectdir/$pjline
#T      echo -n "répertoire courant : "
#T      pwd
#T      break
#O     Créer les fichiers de documentation des images de la page.
#O     Ouvrir le flux $Projectdir/$1/$1.str de limage et sélectionner les chaînes de
#O       caractères contenant Fichier:, File:, Image:, les copier dans les nouveaux
#O       fichiers $Projectdir/$line/$line/.files, .pict, .illustration, .images, .links
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.str | grep -n -i -e Fichier: -e file: -e image: | sed -f $RepCom/$Conversions > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.str | grep -n -i -e fichier: -e .jpg -e .png -e .gif | sed -f $RepCom/$Conversions> $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.picts
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files | grep title |sed "s/<\/div>//g" | awk -F">" '{print $NF}' > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.illustrations
#T        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files | awk -F"=" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i "\n"}' | grep https | sed "s/\"/!/g" | cut -d '!' -f3 | grep https | tr '>' ! | sed "s/<\/a//g" |sed "s/!//g" > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.links
        cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.files | awk -F"=" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i "\n"}' | grep https://$Site | sed "s/\"/!/g" | cut -d '!' -f2 > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.images
#O Transformer les liens du fichier d'images sur wikibooks en fichier d'images sur commons
    cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.images | sed "s/$Site/"| sed "s/Fichier/File/g" > $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages
#O     Télécharger les fichiers d'images depuis le serveur wikimedia.
#P     Remarque : l'option -N permet d'éviter de téléchager un fichier à jour
#P       et sans ajouter une numérotation.
#T      #T wget -N -P $Projectdir/$pjline -i $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.images
        wget -P $Projectdir/$pjline -r -linf -k -p -E  -i $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages
#T     echo "*** Commonsimages ***"; cat $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages; exit 0
#O     Copier les images téléchargées dans le répertoire de l'article courant.
        cp $Projectdir/$pjline/*.html $Projectdir/$pjline/.
#O     Initialiser le fichier de liste commonshtml.list avec un texte vide.
        echo -n "" > commonshtml.doublons  
#O     Lister les fichiers d'images dans l'ordre d'impression ou de l'affichage,
#O       à laide de la liste $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.images
#O     Tant que l'on peut lire des lignes dans $Projectdir/$pjline/$pictline.images
        while read pictline
#O       Couper les lignes au retour chariot, sélectionner le dernier champ et ajouter '.html'
          #echo $pictline | awk -F"/" '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i+=2) print $i "\n"}' #| cut -d '%' -f1 | cut -d '.' -f1 > tmp
          echo $pictline | awk -F"/" '{ print $NF".html"}' >> commonshtml.doublons
#O       Couper les doublons et sélectionner les champs pairs.
          echo -n "" > commonshtml.list
          awk 'BEGIN { FILENAME }
                {memfile [NR] = $0 }
               END   { for ( i = 1 ; i <= NR ; i=i+2 ) {
                       print memfile[i] >> "commonshtml.list"
	                   # print "Fin"
                     } ' commonshtml.doublons                 
#O     Fin tant que l'on peut lire des lignes dans $Projectdir/$pictline/$pictline.images
        done < $Projectdir/$pjline/$pjline.commonsimages

#T     Afficher html.list
#T echo "*** commonshtml.list ***"; cat commonshtml.listexit 0
#O   Copier le nom de l'article dans $1.sclip
      echo "'''Article : $pjline'''<br \>" >> $Pagesclipco
      echo "'''Article : $pjline'''"

#P## Annexe version 'wikimedia commons' ##############################

#O     Tant qu'il y a des liens (locaux) dans le fichier d'images html.list
        while read htmlline
#O       Afficher la ligne lue,
          echo ""
	      echo ""
          echo "---- ligne lue = $htmlline ---"
          echo ""
#O   Avec mkd sélectionner les chaînes de caractères du fichier image $htmlline
#O     et les copier dans $htmlline.str après remplacement du caractère ',' par
#O     'new-line'
	  mkd -pw '**' $htmlline $htmlline.tmp
	  cat $htmlline.tmp | tr ',' '\n' > $ 
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0     
#O     images, 
        echo -n "'''Illustration : '''" > $
        cat $ | grep wgTitle | cut -d '"' -f4 >> $
	    cat $ >> $Pagesclipco 
	    cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0
#O     source, 
        echo -n ", ''source : ''" > $
	    echo -n $htmlline | sed "s/.html//g" | sed "s/.str//g" >> $
        if [ "$Site" = "" ]; then echo "?uselang=fr" >> $
        elif [ "$Site" = "" ]; then echo "?uselang=en" >> $
        else echo
        cat $ >> $Pagesclipco
        cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0
#O     license, 
        echo -n ", ''licence : ''" > $
	    cat $ | grep licensetpl_short | sed "s/<td>//g" | sed "s/<span class//g" | sed "s/<\/span>//g" | sed "s/style=\"display:none;\"//g" | tr '=' '\n' | grep licensetpl_short | awk -F">" '{print $NF}' >> $
        cat $ >> $Pagesclipco
	    cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0	   
#O     auteur(s). 
        echo -n '' > tmp
        echo -n ", ''auteur(s) : ''" > $
	    cat $ | grep -i -n -m1 -A 1 -e Author -e Auteur | tr '/' '\n' | grep -i -e user -e utilisteur -e auteur -e author | cut -d '"' -f1 | grep -i -e user -e utilisteur -e auteur -e author > tmp
	    read Tmp < tmp
        echo "Tmp = $Tmp"
        if [ "$Tmp" = "" ]
          #T  then echo "tmp vide"
	      then echo "-" > tmp 
        #T echo $Tmp | cut -d '-' -f2 | sed "s/\.\ /%/g" | cut -d '%' -f1 
	    cat tmp >>  $
        cat $ >> $Pagesclipco
        cat $
#T echo "*** $ : ***"; cat $; exit 0	 	   
#O   Terminer la page $Pagesclipco 
      echo "" >> $Pagesclipco

#O Fin du tant qu'il y a des lignes 
    done < commonshtml.list

#O   Fin du 'si la ligne n'est pas le nom du livre'.
#O Fin du tq .pj
    done < $Projectdir/$1.pj

#O Terminer la page $Pagesclipco 
    echo "</div>" >> $Pagesclipco
    echo "{{Nouvelle page imprimée}}" >> $Pagesclipco

exit 0
# Fin de

tests_add_sclipco.bash[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

#! /bin/bash
#P file : tests_add_sclipco.bash
#P Syntax ./tests_add_sclipco.bash <short-bookname> [ --t ]
#O Clean screen
#O Include install variables
    pwd > pwd.txt
    if cat pwd.txt | grep ~/Annexer; then Workdir=~/Annexer; elif cat pwd.txt | grep ~/Add_appendix; \
    then Workdir=~/Add_appendix; else echo "Workind directory not found"; exit -1;fi
    rm pwd.txt    
#O add_sclipco global variables
    source $Workdir/vars/installdir.var
#O Print tests_add_sclipco.bash version
    echo " tests_add_sclipco.bash version = $VERSION"
    sleep 2
#T    echo "----"
#O Control if the test file is clean
    echo -e "\033[1;33m Control in the local test directory \033[0m" > text-control.txt 
    echo -e "\033[1;33m Please check that the comment line does not contain an command \033[0m" >> text-control.txt
    echo >> text-control.txt
    echo -e "\033[1;33m### ###\033[0m" >> text-control.txt
    grep -n -e "#T\|#O\|#P" >> text-control.txt
    echo >> text-control.txt
    echo -e "\033[1;33m###### ###\033[0m" >> text-control.txt
    grep -n -e "#T\|#O\|#P" >> text-control.txt 
    echo >> text-control.txt
    echo -e "\033[1;33m###### ###\033[0m" >> text-control.txt
    grep -n -e "#T\|#O\|#P" >> text-control.txt 
    echo -e "\033[1;33m ----  \033[0m" >> text-control.txt
    more text-control.txt
    echo; echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;30m Continue ? \033[0m"
    read -s -e -n 1 -t 60 -p "y/n ? : " Inkey;echo
#T     echo "Inkey = $Inkey"
    if [ "$Inkey" != 'y' ]; then echo " Inkey is not yes, or time out after 60 sec, exit from $0"; exit 0;fi
    #O Test with first param empty
    echo "Command ./ without parameter"
    echo;echo " wait for 2 sec"
    sleep 2; echo "----"
#O Test, all with option --t 
   echo " All tests whith parameter --t"   
#O add_sclipco local books for tests
    for i in 'seq 1 9'
      cat $Workdir/tests/sitelist.txt; echo
      echo -e "\033[47m\033[1;30m Choose the site number to test \033[0m"
      read -s -n1 -p "inkey number 1 to 9 : " Inkey; echo;
      if [ "$Inkey" = "1" ]; then ./ LivreTest --t
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "2" ]; then ./ Hélices_de_navires_à_déplacement --t
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "3" ]; then ./ TestBook --t
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "4" ]; then ./ Mkd_\(Extracteur_de_documents\) --t
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "5" ]; then ./ Faire_fleurir_le_sel --t
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "6" ]; then ./ Faire_sa_fleur_de_sel --t      
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "7" ]; then ./ Guide_to_Unix --t
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "8" ]; then ./ Tests_de_la_capacité_des_batteries_d%27accumulateurs --t
      elif [ "$Inkey" = "9" ]; then ./ LivreTest --t
      else echo "$inkey local url of site not found"; exit 0
#O End tests_add_sclipco.bash