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Vrais amis en anglais/Aa-Af

Un livre de Wikilivres.


A[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • A = A (lettre de l'alphabet)

Aa[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • aargh = aargh (interjection)

Ab[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • abaca = abaca
  • abacus = abaque (1. graphe; 2. boulier compteur)
  • abandon = abandon, abandonner
  • abase = abaisser (sens moral)
  • abatis ou abattis = abattis
  • abattoir = abattoir
  • Abbasid = Abbasside
  • abbatial = abbatial
  • abbé = abbé (français)
  • abbess = abbesse
  • Abbevillian = abbevillien (Archéol.)
  • abbey = abbaye
  • abbot = abbé (chef d'abbaye)
  • abbreviate = abrévier
  • abbreviation = abréviation
  • ABC = ABC (alphabet)
  • abdicate = abdiquer
  • abdomen = abdomen
  • abecedarian = abécédaire
  • abelian = abélien (Math.)
  • aberrant = aberrant
  • aberration = aberration
  • abhor = abhorrer
  • ab initio = ab initio
  • abiogenesis = abiogenèse
  • abiotic = abiotique
  • abject = abject
  • abjure = abjurer
  • Abkhaz = abkhaze
  • Abkhazia = Abkhazie
  • ablation = ablation
  • ablative = ablatif
  • ablative absolute = ablatif absolu
  • ablution = ablution utilisé le plus souvent au pluriel dans les deux langues)
  • abnegation = abnégation
  • abnormal = anormal
  • abnormality = anormalité
  • aboard = à bord
  • abolish = abolir
  • abolition = abolition
  • abolitionist = abolitionniste
  • abominable = abominable
  • abominate = abominer
  • abomination = abomination
  • aboriginal = aborigène
  • abort = avorter
  • abortive = abortif
  • abounder = abonder
  • ab ovo = ab ovo
  • abracadabra = abracadabra
  • abrade = abrader
  • abrasion = abrasion
  • abrasive = abrasif
  • abreact = abréagir
  • abreaction = abréaction
  • abridge = abréger
  • abrogate = abroger
  • abrogation = abrogation
  • abrupt = abrupt
  • Abruzzi = Abruzzes
  • abscess = abcès
  • abscissa = abscisse
  • absence = absence
  • absent = absent
  • absenteeism = absentéisme
  • absinth = absinthe
  • absolute = absolu
  • absolute magnitude = magnitude absolue (Astron.)
  • absolute majority = majorité absolue
  • absolute temperature = température absolue
  • absolute value = valeur absolue
  • absolute zero = zéro absolu
  • absolution = absolution
  • absolutism = absolutisme
  • absolve = absoudre
  • absorb = absorber
  • absorbed dose = dose absorbée (Phys.; Méd.)
  • absorbent = absorbant (aussi: hydrophile)
  • absorption = absorption
  • absorption spectrum = spectre d'absorption (Spectrogr.)
  • abstain = s'abstenir
  • abstention = abstention
  • abstinence = abstinence
  • abstinent = abstinent
  • abstract = abstrait, abstraire (sens plus vaste en anglais)
  • absract art = art abstrait
  • abstract expressionism = expressionnisme abstrait
  • abstraction = abstraction
  • abstruse = abstrus
  • absurd = absurde
  • absurdity = absurdité
  • abulia or aboulia = aboulie
  • abundance = abondance
  • abundant = abondant
  • abuse = abus, abuser
  • abuser = abuseur
  • abysm = abîme
  • abysmal = abysmal
  • abyss = abysse
  • abyssal = abyssal

Ac[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • acacia = acacia
  • academical = académique
  • academician = académicien
  • academicism = académisme
  • academic year = année académique
  • Académie française = Académie française
  • academy = académie
  • Acadia = Acadie
  • Acadian = acadien
  • acajou = acajou
  • acalculia = acalculie
  • Acanthocephala = acanthocéphales (Zool.)
  • acanthus = acanthe; feuille d'acanthe
  • a cappella = a cappella
  • Acari ou Acarina = acariens (Zool.)
  • accede = accéder
  • accelerando = accelerando, accélérando
  • accelerate = accélérer
  • acceleration = accélération
  • accelerator = accélérateur
  • accelerometer = accéléromètre
  • accent = accent, accentuer
  • accented = accentué
  • accentuate = accentuer
  • accept = accepter
  • acceptable = acceptable
  • access = accès
  • accessible = accessible
  • accession = accession
  • accessory = accessoire
  • access time = temps d'accès (Inform.)
  • accident = accident
  • accidental = accidentel
  • acclaim = acclamer
  • acclamation = acclamation
  • acclimate ou acclimatize = acclimater
  • accolade = accolade
  • accomodate = accommoder
  • accompaniment = accompagnement (Mus.)
  • accompany = accompagner
  • accomplice = complice
  • accomplish = accomplir
  • accomplished = accompli
  • accomplishment = accomplissement
  • accord = accord, accorder
  • accordion = accordéon
  • accost = accoster
  • accouchement = accouchement
  • accoucheur = accoucheur (sage-femme mâle, sic)
  • accoutrement = accoutrement
  • accredit = accréditer
  • accredited = accrédité
  • accretion = accrétion
  • acculturate = acculturer
  • accumulate = accumuler
  • accumulation = accumulation
  • accumulator = accumulateur
  • accusation = accusation
  • accusative = accusatif
  • accusatory = accusatoire
  • accuse = accuser
  • accused = accusé (Jur.: subst.)
  • accustom = accoutumer
  • ace = as (tous sens); ace (jeux de balle)
  • acellular = acellulaire
  • acentric = acentrique (Géométrie; Génétique)
  • acephalous = acéphale
  • acerbic ou acerb = acerbe
  • acetaldehyde = acétaldéhyde
  • acetate = acétate
  • acetic acid = acide acétique
  • acetone = acétone
  • acetyl = acétyl-, acétyle
  • acetylcholine = acétylcholine
  • acetylcholinesterase = acétylcholinestérase
  • acetyl coenzyme A = acétyl-coenzyme A (Biochim.)
  • acetylene = acétylène
  • acetylsalicylic acid = acide acétylsalicylique
  • Achaean = achéen
  • Achaemenid = achéménide
  • Achernar = Achernar (Astron.)
  • Acheulian = acheuléen (Archéol.)
  • achillea = achillée
  • Achilles = Achille
  • Achilles tendon = tendon d'Achille
  • achiral = achiral (Chim.)
  • achondroplasia = achondroplasie (Méd.)
  • achromatic = achromatique
  • acid = acide
  • acidify = acidifier
  • acidimetry = acidimétrie
  • acidity = acidité
  • acidophil = acidophile (Physiol.; subst.)
  • acidophilic = acidophile (Physiol.; adj.)
  • acidosis = acidose
  • acid salt = sel acide (Chim.)
  • acidulous = acidulé
  • acme = acmé (Hist. gr.: sommet)
  • acne = acné
  • acolyte = acolyte
  • aconite = aconit
  • aconitine = aconitine
  • acoustic = acoustique
  • acoustic coupler = coupleur acoustique
  • acoustician = acousticien
  • acquiesce = acquiescer
  • acquire = acquérir
  • acquired character ou acquired characteristic = caractère acquis
  • acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) = syndrome immuno-déficitaire acquis (SIDA)
  • acquisition = acquisition
  • acquit = acquit (Comm.: subst.), acquitter (Jur.: vt)
  • acre = acre (mesure agraire, obsolète dans les pays de langue française sauf au Canada)
  • acrid = âcre
  • acrimonious = acrimonieux
  • acrimony = acrimonie
  • acrobat = acrobate
  • acrobatic = acrobatique
  • acrocyanosis = acrocyanose (Méd.)
  • acrolect = acrolecte (Ling.)
  • acromegaly = acromégalie (Med., Anthropol.)
  • acronym = acronyme
  • acrophobia = acrophobie
  • acropolis = acropole
  • acrostic = acrostiche
  • Acrux = Acrux (Astron.)
  • acrylamide = acrylamide
  • acrylic = acrylique
  • acrylic acid = acide acrylique
  • acrylonitrile = acrylonitrile
  • Actaeon = Actéon
  • actin = actine
  • actinian = actinie
  • actinic = actinique (Photo.)
  • actinide = actinide (Chim.)
  • actinium = actinium
  • actinometer = actinomètre
  • actinomycete = actinomycète (Microbiol.)
  • action = action
  • action at a distance = action à distance
  • Action Directe = Action Directe
  • Actium (Battle of) = Actium (Bataille d')
  • activate = activer
  • activated carbon ou active carbon = charbon actif, carbone actif
  • activation energy = énergie d'activation (Chim.)
  • active = actif
  • activism = activisme
  • activity = activité
  • act of contrition = acte de contrition
  • actomyosine = actomyosine (Biochim.)
  • actor = acteur
  • actress = actrice
  • actuary = actuaire
  • acuity = acuité
  • acupuncture = acupuncture, acuponcture
  • acute = aigu
  • acute accent = accent aigu
  • acyclic = acyclique
  • acyl = acyle

[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • adage = adage
  • adagio = adagio
  • adapt = adapter
  • adaptable = adaptable
  • adaptation = adaptation
  • addendum = addendum
  • addition = addition
  • additional = additionnel
  • addition reaction = réaction d'addition (Chim.)
  • additive = additif (n. et adj.)
  • address = adresse, adresser, s'adresser à
  • adressable = adressable (Inform.)
  • adductor = adducteur (Anat.)
  • adenine = adénine
  • adenocarcinoma = adénocarcinome (Méd.)
  • adenosine = adénosine
  • adenosine deaminase = adénosine-déaminase
  • adenosine monophosphate = adénosine monophosphate
  • adenosine triphosphate = adénosine triphosphate
  • adenovirus = adénovirus
  • adenylate cyclase = adénylate-cyclase
  • adenylic acid = acide adénylique
  • adept = adepte
  • adequate = adéquat
  • adhere = adhérer
  • adherent = adhérent
  • adherence = adhérence
  • adhesion = adhésion
  • adhesive = adhésif
  • ad hoc = ad hoc
  • ad hominem = ad hominem
  • adiabatic = adiabatique
  • adieu = adieu
  • ad infinitum = ad infinitum
  • ad interim = ad interim, ad intérim
  • adipic acid = acide adipique (Chim.)
  • adipocyte = adipocyte (Biol.)
  • adipose = adipeux
  • adjacent = adjacent
  • adjective = adjectif
  • adjoin = adjoindre
  • adjourn = ajourner
  • adjure = adjurer
  • adjust = ajuster
  • adjuvant = adjuvant
  • ad libitum = ad libitum
  • administer = administrer
  • administration = administration
  • administrative = administratif
  • administrator = administrateur
  • administratrix = administratrice (Dr. immob.)
  • admirable = admirable
  • admiral = amiral
  • Admiral of the Fleet = Amiral de la Flotte (grade britannique équivalent à Amiral de France)
  • Admiralty = Amirauté
  • admiration = admiration
  • admire = admirer
  • admissible = admissible
  • admission = admission
  • admit = admettre
  • admixture = admixtion
  • admonition = admonition
  • admonitory = admonitoire
  • ad nauseam = ad nauseam
  • adobe = adobe
  • adolescence = adolescence
  • adolescent = adolescent
  • Adonai = Adonai (Théol. hébr.)
  • Adonis = Adonis (Mythol. gr.)
  • adopt = adopter
  • adoption = adoption
  • adoptive = adoptif
  • adorable = adorable
  • adore = adorer
  • ad rem = ad rem (Philos.)
  • adrenaline = adrénaline
  • adrenergic = adrénergique (Neurophysiol.)
  • adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) = hormone adrénocorticotrophique (ACTH)
  • adret = adret (Géogr.)
  • Adriatic = adriatique
  • advance = avancer
  • adrift = à la dérive
  • adroit = adroit
  • adsorb = adsorber
  • adsorbate = adsorbat
  • adsorbent = adsorbant
  • adstratum = adstrat
  • adulate = aduler
  • adulation = adulation
  • adult = adulte
  • adulterant = adultérant
  • adulterate = adultérer
  • adulterine = adultérin
  • advance = avance, avancer
  • advanced = avancé (à un stage avancé)
  • advance guard = avant-garde
  • advantage = avantage
  • advantaged = avantagé
  • advection = advection
  • advent = avènement
  • Advent = Avent
  • Adventist = adventiste
  • adventure = aventure
  • adventurer = aventurier
  • adverb = adverbe
  • adverbial = adverbial
  • adversary = adversaire
  • adversative = adversatif (Gramm.)
  • adverse = adverse
  • adversity = adversité
  • advised = avisé
  • advocaat = advocaat
  • advocate = avocat (sauf Bot.)
  • adytum = adytum (Archéol. gr.)

Ae[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Aegean = égéen
  • aegis = égide
  • Aegisthus = Égisthe
  • Aeneas = Énée
  • Aeneid (the) = Énéide (l')
  • aeolian = éolien
  • aelioan harp = harpe éolienne
  • Aeolus = Éole
  • aerate = aérer
  • aerie ou eyrie = aire (d'un aigle)
  • aerobic = aérobique (Microbiol. et Physiol.)
  • aerodrome = aérodrome
  • aerodynamic = aérodynamique (adj.)
  • aerodynamics = aérodynamique (n.f.)
  • aerogram = aérogramme (Postes)
  • aeromodelling = aéromodélisme
  • aeronaut = aéronaute
  • aeronautic ou aeronautical = aéronautique (adj.)
  • aeronautics = aéronautique (n.f.)
  • aerophagy = aérophagie
  • aeroplane = aéroplane
  • aerosol = aérosol
  • aerostat = aérostat
  • Aeschylus = Eschyle
  • Aesculapian = esculapien, d'Esculape
  • Aesop = Ésope
  • aesthete ou esthete = esthète
  • aesthetic ou esthetic = esthétique (adj.)
  • aesthetics ou esthetics = esthétique (n.f.)
  • aestival ou estival = estival
  • aestivation ou estivation = estivation (Zool.)
  • aetiology ou etiology = étiologie

Af[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Afar = afar (Anthropol.)
  • affable = affable
  • affairé = affairé
  • affect = affecter (1. avoir une influence; 2. faire semblant); affect (Psychol.)
  • affectation = affectation
  • affected = affecté
  • affection = affection
  • affectionate = affectionné
  • affective = affectif
  • afferent = afférent (Physiol.)
  • affiliation = affiliation
  • affine = affine (Géom.; en Belg. aussi "affin")
  • affinity = affinité
  • affirm = affirmer
  • affirmation = affirmation
  • affirmative = affirmatif
  • afflux = afflux
  • affricate = affriqué (Phon.)
  • affront = affront
  • Afghan = afghan
  • Aghanistan = Afghanistan
  • aficionado = aficionado
  • afloat = à flot
  • a fortiori = a fortiori
  • afreet ou afrit = efrit (Mythol. arabo-persane)
  • Africa = Afrique
  • African = africain
  • African elephant = éléphant d'Afrique
  • Afrikaans = afrikaans
  • Afro = afro (style de chevelure)
