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wgfrwikibooks_Gadget_massblockJsVersion = "20150117001";
wgGadget_massblockJsVersion = "20120418004";
//[[Catégorie:MediaWiki:Fonction Monobook en JavaScript|massblock]]

// Voir aussi [[MediaWiki:Gadget-blockoptions.js]]
// After adding to your monobook.js, navigate to [[Special:Massblock]] to use the tool.
function getParameter(p) {
  var re = new RegExp('&'+p+'=([^&]*)','i');
  var c =; 
  return unescape((c=c.replace(/^\?/,'&').match(re)) ?c=c[1] :c="");
function massblock() {
  if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') == "Spécial:Massblock"||mw.config.get('wgPageName') == "Spécial:Blocage en masse") { // Cette page bug actuellement
    document.title = "Mass block tool";
      "Liste des IPs à bloquer, une par ligne VSP:\n",
      ["textarea", {"id":"iplist", "columns":"24", "rows":"10"}],
      "\n\nExpiration : ",
      ["input",{"type":"text","value":"2 years","id":"expiry"}],
      "\nRaison : ",
      ["input",{"type":"text","value":"Proxy ouvert ou ordinateur zombi","id":"reason"}],
      ["label",{"for":"ao"},"Anonymes seulement"],
      ["input",{"type":"checkbox","id":"acb", "checked":"checked"}],
      ["label",{"for":"acb"},"Empêcher la création de compte"],
      "\n\nBlocks/min : ",
      ["button",{"onclick":"massblock2()"},"Bloquer les IPs"],
  } else if ("__MASSBLOCK__")) {
      document.getElementById("wpAnonOnly").checked = getParameter("ao") == "1";
      document.getElementById("wpCreateAccount").checked = getParameter("acb") == "1";
      document.getElementById("mw-bi-other").value = getParameter("expiry").replace("+"," ","g");
      document.getElementById("mw-bi-reason").value = getParameter("reason").replace("+"," ","g");
      setTimeout("document.getElementById(\"blockip\").submit()", 500);
var wgBlocksToDo;
var wgBlocksToDoIndex;
var wgBlocksToDoInterval = 0;
var wgBlockFrame;
function massblock2() {
  if (!parseFloat(document.getElementById("epm").value)) return;
  wgBlocksToDo = new Array();
  iplist = document.getElementById("iplist").value.split("\n");
  for (i=0;i<iplist.length;i++) {
    wgBlocksToDo[i] = iplist[i].split(":")[0];
  mbcode = "massblock3(wgBlocksToDo[wgBlocksToDoIndex++]);if (wgBlocksToDoIndex >= wgBlocksToDo.length) massblock4();";
  wgBlocksToDoIndex = wgBlockFrame = 0;
  wgBlocksToDoInterval = setInterval(mbcode, (60 / parseFloat(document.getElementById("epm").value)) * 1000);
function massblock3(ipToBlock) {
  if (ipToBlock + "" == "undefined") return;
  iplistobj = document.getElementById("iplist");
  if (iplistobj.value.indexOf("\n") == -1) iplistobj.value = "";
  iplistobj.value = iplistobj.value.substring(iplistobj.value.indexOf("\n") + 1);
  if (ipToBlock == "") return;
  frames["blockframe" + wgBlockFrame++].location.href = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + "?title=Special:Blockip&ip=" + ipToBlock + "&__MASSBLOCK__=1&expiry=" + document.getElementById("expiry").value + "&reason=" + document.getElementById("reason").value + "&ao=" + (document.getElementById("ao").checked ? "1" : "0") + "&acb=" + (document.getElementById("acb").checked ? "1" : "0");
  if (wgBlockFrame == 6) wgBlockFrame = 0;
function massblock4() {