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Un livre de Wikilivres.

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/* Random Book Finder, version [0.0.3a-r1]
Originally from:
Based roughly on by Darklama.
Modified by DavidL to avoid eavy alphabetical category system usage.

Grabs 10 random pages from the API, checks if any are books. Repeats until it finds a book.

* Don't grab more than 10 random pages. Logged in users can get more, but anon users cannot. 
** Since this uses callback, all users are limited to 10 anyway.
* Automatically re-queries until it finds a page without a slash.
* Setting window.location.href eats history in some browsers.
** To show a link instead use: var randBookAsLink = true; (users can set this in their monobook individually too);
* Uses curid links, I usually trust these more than trying to generate /wiki links.

var randBookAsLink = false;
var rbrqid = 0;
var rburl = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php?action=query&indexpageids=1&generator=random&grnnamespace=0|110&grnlimit=10&prop=categories&cllimit=100&format=json&callback=showRandBookCB&requestid=rb';

function showRandBook()
  if (window.randBookAsLink)

  mw.loader.load(rburl + rbrqid);

// Books should be in one of the following namespace:
// Les livres doivent être dans l'un des espaces de nom suivants :
var book_ns = [ 0 ];

function isBookNS(ns)
  for (var i=0;i<book_ns.length;i++)
    if (book_ns[i]==ns) return true;
  return false;

function showRandBookCB(obj)
  if (!obj['query'] || !obj['query']['pages'] || !obj['query']['pageids'])
    document.getElementById('n-randbook').appendChild(document.createTextNode(' error'));
  var id = obj['query']['pageids'];
  var pages = obj['query']['pages'];
  var found;
  for (var i=0;i<id.length;i++)
    var page = pages[id[i]];
    if ( (isBookNS(page['ns'])) && page['title'].indexOf('/')<0 )
      found = obj['query']['pages'][id[i]];
  if(!found) {
    // didn't find any, try again
    mw.loader.load(rburl + rbrqid);
  } else {
    var link = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?curid=' + found['pageid'];

    if (window.randBookAsLink) {
      var a = document.createElement('a');
      a.setAttribute('href',link); = 'block';
      a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' \u2022\u00A0' + found['title']))
    } else if (window.location.assign) {
    } else {
      window.location.href = link; 

function showRandBookLink()
  mw.util.addPortletLink('p-navigation','javascript:showRandBook();','Livre au hasard','n-randbook','Afficher un livre au hasard !','x');
