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Mathc initiation/Fichiers c : c64cb

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Installer et compiler ces fichiers dans votre répertoire de travail.

/* --------------------------------- */
/* save as c18b.c                    */
/* --------------------------------- */
#include "x_hfile.h"
#include       "fb.h"
/* --------------------------------- */
int main(void)
double m = flux_dzdxdy(  M,N,P,
                          u, v,LOOP,
                          s, t,LOOP,
/* --------------------------------- */ 
 printf(" Use the divergence theorem to find,\n\n");

 printf(" the flux of F through S.\n\n");

 printf("     //            ///         \n");
 printf("    ||            |||          \n");
 printf("    || F.n dS  =  ||| div F dV \n");
 printf("    ||            |||          \n");
 printf("   //            ///           \n");
 printf("   S                   Q        \n\n\n");

 printf("      If F = Mi + Nj + Pk                    \n\n\n");

 printf("    ///             ///                      \n");
 printf("   |||             |||                       \n");
 printf("   ||| div F dV =  |||  M_x + N_y + P_z dV   \n");
 printf("   |||             |||                       \n");
 printf("  ///             ///                        \n");
 printf("   Q               Q                     \n\n\n");

/* --------------------------------- */

 printf("     / b   / t(y)  / v(x, y)                       \n");
 printf("    |     |       |                                \n");
 printf("    |     |       | M_x + N_y + P_z dzdxdy = %.3f  \n",m);
 printf("    |     |       |                                \n");
 printf("   /  a  /   s(y) /  u(x, y)                   \n\n\n");

 printf(" With.\n\n\n");
 printf(" F : (x,y,z)-> (%s)i + (%s)j + (%s)k \n\n",Meq,Neq,Peq);

 printf(" v :   (x,y)-> %s      \n", veq);
 printf(" u :   (x,y)-> %s    \n\n", ueq);
 printf(" t :     (y)-> %s      \n", teq);
 printf(" s :     (y)-> %s    \n\n", seq); 
 printf(" by = %+.1f\n ay = %+.1f\n\n",by,ay);

 return 0;
/* --------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------- */

Ce travail consiste à adapter l'intégrale triple au calcul du flux en 3d par le théorème de la divergence : (M_x + N_y + P_z)

 Exemple de sortie écran :
 Use the divergence theorem to find,

 the flux of F through S.

     //            ///         
    ||            |||          
    || F.n dS  =  ||| div F dV 
    ||            |||          
   //            ///           
   S                   Q        

      If F = Mi + Nj + Pk                    

    ///             ///                      
   |||             |||                       
   ||| div F dV =  |||  M_x + N_y + P_z dV   
   |||             |||                       
  ///             ///                        
   Q               Q                     

 Press return to continue.

Exemple de sortie écran :
     / b   / t(y)  / v(x, y)                       
    |     |       |                                
    |     |       |     M_x + N_y + P_z dzdxdy = 24.000  
    |     |       |                                
   /  a  /   s(y) /  u(x, y)                   


 F : (x,y,z)-> + 2*x*zi + x*y*zj  + y*zk 

 u :   (x,y)-> 0      
 v :   (x,y)-> (4-x)/2    

 s :     (y)-> 0      
 t :     (y)-> 4    

 ay = +0.0   by = +2.0

 dV = dz dx dy        

 Press return to continue.