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Mathc initiation/Fichiers c : c32cc

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Installer et compiler ces fichiers dans votre répertoire de travail.

/* ---------------------------------- */
/* save as c00c.c                     */
/* ---------------------------------- */
#include  "x_hfile.h"
#include       "fc.h"
/* ---------------------------------- */
int main(void)
double  ax =    0,      ay =     0, 
        bx =    1,      by = 1./2., 
        nx = 2*10,      ny =  2*10,
       Mxy =    0,     Myx =     0;

 printf(" f : (x,y)-> %s\n\n\n", feq);

 Myx = simpson_dydx(f, ay,by,ny, ax,bx,nx);
 Mxy = simpson_dxdy(f, ax,bx,nx, ay,by,ny);

 printf(" With the simpsonal's rule.\n\n");
 printf("    (%.3f  (%.3f\n",     bx,by);
 printf(" int(   int(       %s    Dy Dx = %.6f\n", feq, Myx);
 printf("    (%.3f  (%.3f\n\n\n", ax,ay);
 printf("    (%.3f  (%.3f\n",     by,bx);
 printf(" int(   int(       %s    Dx Dy = %.6f\n", feq, Mxy);
 printf("    (%.3f  (%.3f\n\n\n", ay,ax);


 return 0;
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------- */

Vous pouvez vérifier avec Octave version 5.2 :

I = dblquad (f, xa, xb, ya, yb)

>> I = dblquad (@(x, y) sin(cos(x.*y)), 1, 0, .5, 0)

I =  0.41688

Exemple de sortie écran :

 f : (x,y)-> sin(cos(x*y)

 With the simpsonal's rule.

    (1.000  (0.500
 int(   int(       sin(cos(x*y)  Dy Dx = 0.416884
    (0.000  (0.000

    (0.500  (1.000
 int(   int(       sin(cos(x*y)  Dx Dy = 0.416884
    (0.000  (0.000

 Press return to continue.