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Mathc complexes/a226

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/* ------------------------------------ */
/*  Save as :   c00a.c                  */
/* ------------------------------------ */
#include "w_a.h"  
/* ------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------ */
#define   RA     R3
#define   CA     C4
#define   Cb     C1
/* ------------------------------------ */
#define   RB     R3            /* B : a basis for the rows space of A */
/* ------------------------------------ */
void fun(void)
double ab[RA*((CA+Cb)*C2)] ={
	                    1,2,  3,4,  5,6,  5,2, 0,0,
                        1,2,  3,4,  5,6,  1,3, 0,0,
                        1,2,  3,4,  1,1,  4,2, 0,0};

double **Ab =   ca_A_mZ(ab, i_Abr_Ac_bc_mZ(RA,CA,Cb));
double **A  = c_Ab_A_mZ(Ab,           i_mZ(RA,CA));
double **b  = c_Ab_b_mZ(Ab,           i_mZ(RA,Cb));

double **B  =                         i_mZ(RB,CA);

  printf("Basis for a Row Space by Row Reduction :\n\n");
  printf(" A :");
  p_mZ(A, S3,P0, S3,P0, C8);
  printf(" b :");
  p_mZ(b, S3,P0, S3,P0, C8);
  printf(" Ab :");
  p_mZ(Ab, S3,P0, S3,P0, C8);

  printf("  The nonzero rows vectors  of Ab without b\n"
         " form a basis for the row space of  A \n\n"
         " Ab :");
  printf(" gj_PP_mZ(Ab) :");
  p_mZ(gj_PP_mZ(Ab), S7,P3, S7,P3, C5);
  printf(" B :  Is a basis for a Row Space of A by Row Reduction");
  p_mZ(c_Ab_A_mZ(Ab,B), S7,P3, S7,P3, C5);
/* ------------------------------------ */
int main(void)


  return 0;
/* ------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------ */

La position des pivots de Ab donne la position des lignes de A qui forment une base pour l'espace lignes de A.

Exemple de sortie écran :
Basis for a Row Space by Row Reduction :

 A :
 +1 +2i  +3 +4i  +5 +6i  +5 +2i 
 +1 +2i  +3 +4i  +5 +6i  +1 +3i 
 +1 +2i  +3 +4i  +1 +1i  +4 +2i 

 b :
 +0 +0i 
 +0 +0i 
 +0 +0i 

 Ab :
 +1 +2i  +3 +4i  +5 +6i  +5 +2i  +0 +0i 
 +1 +2i  +3 +4i  +5 +6i  +1 +3i  +0 +0i 
 +1 +2i  +3 +4i  +1 +1i  +4 +2i  +0 +0i 

 Press return to continue. 

 The nonzero rows vectors  of Ab without b
 form a basis for the row space of  A 

 Ab : gj_PP_mZ(Ab) :
 +1.000 +0.000i  +2.200 -0.400i  +3.400 -0.800i  +1.800 -1.600i  +0.000 +0.000i 
 -0.000 +0.000i  +0.000 -0.000i  +1.000 +0.000i  +0.098 -0.122i  -0.000 +0.000i 
 +0.000 -0.000i  +0.000 +0.000i  -0.000 +0.000i  +1.000 +0.000i  +0.000 -0.000i 

 B :  Is a basis for a Row Space of A by Row Reduction
 +1.000 +0.000i  +2.200 -0.400i  +3.400 -0.800i  +1.800 -1.600i 
 -0.000 +0.000i  +0.000 -0.000i  +1.000 +0.000i  +0.098 -0.122i 
 +0.000 -0.000i  +0.000 +0.000i  -0.000 +0.000i  +1.000 +0.000i 

 Press return to continue.