< Celestia
Celestia a été créé par Chris Laurel.
Le fichier AUTHORS de Celestia liste les personnes suivantes:
Chris Laurel <claurel@www.shatters.net> Clint Weisbrod <cweisbrod@cogeco.ca> Fridger Schrempp <t00fri@mail.desy.de> Bob Ippolito <bob@redivi.com> Christophe Teyssier <chris@teyssier.org> Hank Ramsey <hramsey@users.sourceforge.net> Grant Hutchison <granthutchison@blueyonder.co.uk>
Other contributors to the Celestia software distribution are cited as follows in the README file:
...to be included here later with permission from Chris
Authors who have generously contributed material from their previously written documentation to this wikibook include:
- none so far :-(
People who have made original contributions to this wikibook include:
- add yourself here if appropriate
Many other people have also made valuable contributions to the Celestia community in various ways. Those that deserve special mention here are:
- add deserving individuals (not yourself, of course!) with their permission here
And if we've inadvertantly left out anyone you think should be mentioned, please add them!